Sunday, June 11, 2006

Our computer and study area is the most popular place in the house these days. Notice that the TV is on, Ardeley has headphones on (her music), and Dalton's Nintendo DS is on the counter! Henry got me the TV for my Birthday so I can watch from the kitchen or while I do the treadmill. Karina loves to go to Disney Channel,, PollyPocket, etc. on the computer; Dalton looks up lyrics to songs, and he also likes to look for clues for his Nintendo games; and, Ardeley is a frequent ITunes user, has been playing the latest Nancy Drew computer game, and looks for Kingdom Hearts 2 clues. Henry even uses the computer. He is taking a math class and a reading comprehension class this summer and all class assignments are on the computer.

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About Me

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I grew up in Seattle, WA, a place I will move back to one day! My family (3 kids + 1 hubby) has lived in FL since Henry and I got married 19+ years ago. All my kids are FL babies--they get cold when it is below 75 degrees!