Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Middle School Graduate!

We are so proud of Ardeley who is "graduating" from middle school and moving on up to the "Class of 2010" at her high school. Ardeley received top honors at the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony last night. Her awards included the Presidential Award for Academic Achievement (certificate from the Whitehouse!), one of the "Top Ten" students on her academic team, the Keys, and, drum roll please . . . . . . . the 2006 "Pride in Writing School-Wide Top Writer" award, which is given to the student whose works were judged by a panel of teachers who were not given the authors' names until judging was complete. Wow, we are so proud and we were all so pleasantly surprised by that last award, one of the top honors awarded last night. Ardey is attending the 8th Grade Dance tonight, and is looking forward to a visit with her Grandma and Grandpa in Seattle this summer!

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About Me

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I grew up in Seattle, WA, a place I will move back to one day! My family (3 kids + 1 hubby) has lived in FL since Henry and I got married 19+ years ago. All my kids are FL babies--they get cold when it is below 75 degrees!