Friday, May 26, 2006

Baking Beauties!

O.K. It's the first day of summer and my daughter and friend decided to bake cookies. Here is what they looked like by the middle of this endeavor! They are still at it and having fun (only one burned batch so far); now, if I can just get them to clean up when they are done . . . . . . :-(

Florida Aquarium

Dalton wanted to go to the aquarium on his special day with me. They had been studying the reef life in FL and he had a brochure from the aquarium that looked interesting to him. We had a great time and ended up getting a one year membership for the family. It is really nice because with the membership, you can bring any five people with the primary card holder. (Click on the title of this blog to visit the aquarium's website)

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Middle School Graduate!

We are so proud of Ardeley who is "graduating" from middle school and moving on up to the "Class of 2010" at her high school. Ardeley received top honors at the 8th Grade Awards Ceremony last night. Her awards included the Presidential Award for Academic Achievement (certificate from the Whitehouse!), one of the "Top Ten" students on her academic team, the Keys, and, drum roll please . . . . . . . the 2006 "Pride in Writing School-Wide Top Writer" award, which is given to the student whose works were judged by a panel of teachers who were not given the authors' names until judging was complete. Wow, we are so proud and we were all so pleasantly surprised by that last award, one of the top honors awarded last night. Ardey is attending the 8th Grade Dance tonight, and is looking forward to a visit with her Grandma and Grandpa in Seattle this summer!

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Well, Dalton and I had our long-awaited day together today! We started with breakfast at the Village Inn restaurant. Our next stop was the ceramics store, where you see Dalton painting his cat. He also painted a stingray, which is being fired and will be picked up this week. More to come about our special day soon with pictures, to boot! Good night!
Karina and I spent a fun morning together with her classmates. The kids from her "house" (Freedom Primary) sang 3 or 4 songs for the moms/dads/grandparents. Then, we all went back to their classrooms to have cookies and punch and to read books with our kids for the next 45 minutes. Here she is pictured with her first grade teacher, Ms. Hernandez!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Dalton is our master builder. Give him legos, K'nex, anything, he will build something. Here are a few "Bionicals" he created. . . .

Friday, May 12, 2006

Henry's mom and dad came to visit in November and stayed until the end of January. We had a great time with them. Here they are reading a Bible verse during our Sihite Family Christmas Program! Opung Ardeley (Grandpa of Ardey)wrote the program and we enjoyed the celebration on Christmas Eve. We told the Christmas Story, sang Christmas Carols in English and Indonesian, and toasted the family.

About Me

My photo
I grew up in Seattle, WA, a place I will move back to one day! My family (3 kids + 1 hubby) has lived in FL since Henry and I got married 19+ years ago. All my kids are FL babies--they get cold when it is below 75 degrees!