Sunday, October 12, 2008

Ardey & Dalton Go to Washington

At the end of July, Dalton and Ardey flew to Seattle to spend 10 days with Grandma and Grandpa Bradley in Anacortes.

They had fun: Whale watching, shopping, seeing movies, walking "downtown", attending the annual art festival, etc.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Karina Plays Ball!

Karina and her friend Katherine played in the Idlewild Baptist Softball league this spring. This was Karina's first year. She was a quick learner and loved every part of the game. She says her favorite thing is "going to bat." Tomorrow is her last game of the season and I'll try to post a few more pictures from the last game.

Zeus Makes Three!

For Dalton's Birthday, we adopted a new cat. Zeus is 2 years old. He had been de-clawed, but later he was abandoned into Feral colony.

Anyway, he was recognized as a domestic cat and rescued. What a cutey! He is so layed back with the humans. And he has brought the kid out in Jackie Chan, especially. The two of them chase each other around, wrestle, bite, lick, and relax together.

Welcome to the crowded house, Zeus!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Kitty Kat Kingdom

These two kitties rule the house. Jackie Chan (Norwegian Forest?) and Mew (real name is Karma) the calico are very much loved members of the family. Dalton and Ardeley, especially, spoil them. Mew likes to jump on your lap and watch T.V. with you and Jackie thinks Henry and my bed is his own personal lounging area!

Sunday, March 09, 2008

More Images from Alaska!

Pictures from Alaskan Cruise

Alaskan Paradise . . . .

We had a fantastic summer trip this past July to help my parents celebrate their 50th anniversary! All five of their kids and families, as well as several of mom and dad's siblings took an Alaskan Cruise!

About Me

My photo
I grew up in Seattle, WA, a place I will move back to one day! My family (3 kids + 1 hubby) has lived in FL since Henry and I got married 19+ years ago. All my kids are FL babies--they get cold when it is below 75 degrees!